Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quinlans First Fair

In one of the local villages they had a small fair with a variety of kid rides so we brought Quinlan down to enjoy the atmosphere. He was a little overwhelmed at first but he loves staring at people so he settled down quickly. We actually took him on his first fair ride. Nothing to exciting just a merry-go-round but he seemed to enjoy it.

Now that he has some idea of what is going on around him we took him to the local duck pound. We had a great time giving the birds bread even though he would much rather try to eat it himself. He is developing his own unique personality with each passing day. He is so active it feels as if he is ready to get up and walk at any point forgoing all the crawling.

Just some photos of Quinlan enjoying some food. Although it does not look like it he does actually get some food into his mouth. He loves eating and thinks that anything that he can reach and pick up is food. He is now eating a variety of fruit and veggies and he loves plain yogurt.